Kill me now, I have found the man I want to marry.
....brace myself.....
Ladies I need to tell you, though my beauty addiction is all encompassing and truly multifaceted, I never really paid very much attention to fragrance (or nail care, I just hate nail polish).
I had a few favorites and I've been deeply attached to my mom's vintage bottle of No5 since childhood but I never found myself obsessing or dreaming of fragrances quite like I did blowdryers and blushes (yes, these are the things I dream about....I recognize it's not entirely healthy).
Until at work a few days ago I drifted over to fragrance and started sniffing left and right.
I then met Ambre Sultan.
Rarely rarely does my mouth water, my heart beat, or my eyes cloud over except in the presence of new mascara.
It is the most sophisticated twist on a traditional amber, which I tend to like anyways. I think this amber is far more womanly, Parisian and intelligent than any other fragrance I`ve ever smelled. And off course DROP DEAD SEXY! Adding powdery notes, bay leaf, spicy coriander, sandalwood, patchouli.....I mean pure fragrance sex. And I thought black orchid was pure sex. I knew nothing.
Ummm, Christmas is coming up...anyone feeling generous.......
So my curious heart spritzed the rest too. And my love was cemented.
I found Clair de Musc to be almost a churchy oriental. Usually the very light, girlish, virginal scents don`t do it for my naughty heart, but with this. Well Serge took the naughty (musk) and made it powdery and floral, without being as obvious as just adding flowers or citruses to a musk.
And ironically, Louve, combined some of my all time like them in anything notes, like jasmine, powderyness and musk, and again made them light. A perfect perfect only slightly naughty day fragrance. The kind of fragrance you wear to a job interview for a reallyreally conservative company, barely permeable. But then when your interviewer comes close enough to you to shake your hand, they get knocked out thinking...does she have a showgirl past?
Vetiver Oriental I expected to absolutely hate, because I find foresty snowy uber fresh notes in women`s fragrances incredibly manly. Not this one. Again because it has oriental notes (benzoin and sandalwood, amongst others) it knocks the whole scent out of the park. Just plain ridiculously offensively fabulous. I can even imagine it on a man (that I may jump....Serge himself perhaps) and being equally classy, unexpected and sexy.
Un bois vanille surprised me most. Now I enjoy gourmand and I have always found vanilla tempting. However most fragrances make it smell stereotypical and take me back to my 14 year old days (case in point, Angel, smells gorge and makes me hungry, but I'm too afraid of attracting pedophiles when wearing it) when I thought those Calgon vanilla body sprays were the epitome of sophistication (a time I am not proud of) which is why I`ve avoided WEARING them because I feel like a little girl. This one is a woman vanilla, a very old woman. In a good way, this woman is seasoned and wise and she knows (and taught me) about the many many seductive elements of gourmand scents. This is black vanilla, and black liquorice adds the half spicy half minty note to it, which makes it so unique, and it`s yet again warmed by coconut milk and sandalwood.
The verdict on Serge: whatever style he tries, Serge adds his signature pornographic notes (I now think of all these fragrances as adding a little bit of a pornographic note to any situation) and then somehow modernizes them so they never smell like what you expect them to smell.
Oh I would DIE if I had a full set (and there`s so many more I want to tryyyy, I`m so curious about A la Nuit).
Anyone feeling generous....:P
Image courtesy of
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