I recently decided to turn over a new leaf with my skincare. No more complicated regimens, no more varied emergency spot treatments, no more obsessive overloading.
I will SIMPLIFYYYY. Say it with me.. like a mantra.
What I have begun to do is slowly weed out every single step from my regimen. So for the past week I have used only my brand new Clarisonic with my Liz Earle cleanser (and then my usual makeup routine). That's it. I will continue until I use up the cleanser (I'm close to the end) and then switch to Philosophy's purity.
The plan for trying new items will go like this:
1st 2week period: Just Clarisonic and Liz Earle
2nd 2week period: Clarisonic and adding Tanda
3rd 2week period: Switching to Purity as a cleanser
4th 2week period: Adding Help me by Philosophy to my nighttime routine
When my skin adjusts to that I want to add pure tea tree oil to my day routine, and when it adjusts to that, add my aluminum oxide crystals to my cleanser.
........and we'll see from there. But don't let me put you off anymore
The clarisonic comes with three of the brand's cleansers to try out, along with the charging unit and a plastic cover for the brush. I got the BCA pink one where part of the proceeds went to breast cancer research and felt the warm fuzzies before I even took it home.
But I began to feel even fuzzier after using it. This thing cleeeannnsss deep. I mean deep. I mean you notice a difference the first time. Let me illustrate my point:
My face cleansed with just the Liz Earle. I know, zit city, but bear with me:
This second row is after using the clarisonic, just once, right after.
That's not just a miniscule difference, that's a serious difference. After one time. Not only that, but in the past week rather than getting 2 or 3 brand new zits per day, which is my usual, I got 5 for the whole week. Which, yes averaged out, less than one per day.
If I were capable of speechlessness, that would be a moment in which I would achieve it. And check out the lovely fine lines on my forehead, take a look. See them? Now do you see them in the second picture....that's right! Minimizedddd!
I am all over this thing. I am a convert ladies and ladygentlemen. A CONVERT!
Image courtesy of sephora.com
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